A vortex is defined as an energetic structure that functions as an interface between the physical world and a divine realm that contains pure healing energy.
The divine realm contains consciousness that has transformational power for the human energy system. The human being has the ability to awaken and develop an energetic structure that is able to bring divine energy into the physical world for healing to take place. Powerful healing happens when the two worlds are bridged. For over 17000 years now, sacred sites such as temples, pyramids and stone circles, have been created to mark these sites and amplify their energy.
Join us for a very special Vortex healing circle, with a special focus on sacred sites. This 3-hour workshop will explore the history of sacred sites and their use of vortexes, an understanding of energy work and multi-dimensionality, we will learn how to use portals, gateways and sacred sites to achieve growth and development and transform our day-to-day life.
A ceremonial guided meditative process will help all participants begin to learn how to access a new infrastructure within themselves, allowing them to unlock this access, participants will be invited to share an intention they would like to activate, and we will explore how to integrate this work into our daily lives through discipline and practise so the impact of it can be sustained.
About Marc Peridis Marc was first initiated as a shaman whilst undertaking missions through Mongolia, Liberia, and Brazil. He soon began to join his multi-dimensional energy practise with his knowledge of interior design to create The Sacred Art of Transformative Spaces, a body of work based on temple-making knowledge from ancient civilisations. A certified Reiki and Theta Healing practitioner. he has completed the 20 levels of Kenneth Ray Stubbs Path to shamanic transformation training and all modules of Christian Kiriacou's The House Whisperer Academy.
He has now undertaken missions, ceremonies and workshops across the world, and specialises in supporting clients in their explorations on the art of divine prosperity.
The workshop will take place from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm on Saturday 15 Sept.