Join us for an Earth Oneness Ceremony at Avebury in the UK. Avebury is considered the oldest stone circle in Europe and sits on a very intense energy powerspot. Marc Peridis will be on site for the ceremony, while the participants and the project co-creator,Kenneth Ray Stubbs, will join him online with
The Earth Oneness Ceremony is a way for us to give thanks to Earth. At its core, however, this ceremony is a transformation ceremony for both Earth and the ceremony participants.
TRANSFORMATIVE BENEFITS FOR EARTH The Earth Being has available during the ceremony more resources to transform ("heal") the physical planet. When we go into the energetic space of Oneness with the Earth Being, our energetic abilities, energy, and knowledge become available to the Earth Being to transform the physical planet, mainly via the ley lines. - The main effect from this is the ground composition becoming more suitable for the well-being of plants and thus the food chain up to animals and humans
TRANSFORMATIVE BENEFITS FOR THE CEREMONY PARTICIPANTS: 1. Each of us receives an extensive increase in our energetic intensification (that is, a lot of energy) 2. Each of us begins a 2-3-day transformational (healing) process for whatever is up next for each of us in our physical-emotional-mental-spiritual development and growth!
Tuesday 07 Nov – at the following times: 4:30pm LONDON / 5:30 pm PARIS / 11:30am NYC / 8:30 am LOS ANGELES. This event is free. Simply click on the above link a few minutes before start time.
Join us in this really POWERFUL AND BIG ENERGY meditation.