First initiated as a shaman while undertaking missions through Mongolia, Liberia, and Brazil, my work channels shamanic practice into 1-1 sessions and workshops with students and clients around the world.
A certified Reiki and Theta Healing practitioner. I completed the 20 levels of Kenneth Ray Stubbs Path to shamanic transformation training, all modules of Christian Kiriacou's The House Whisperer Academy as well as ongoing mentoring training with the continuum movement teacher’s association.
My spectrum is varied from working with spiritual interior design to undertaking missions, ceremonies and workshops across the world, and specialises in supporting clients in their explorations on the art of divine prosperity. 
This section shares my path, some of the wild experiences, twists and turns that brought me to develop the body of work I teach today.

- Vortex shamanism mentoring with Kenneth Ray Stubbs, Arizona 
- The energy training with Kenneth Ray Stubbs, Arizona.  
- Continuum movement mentoring with Jane Okondo, London.  
House whispering academy with Christian Kiriacou, Kingston.
Authentic Eros 1-year training with Kai Erhardt and Volker Moritz, Berlin.  
Thetahealing Practitioner’s trainingwith Noam Paz, Tel aviv.  
Reiki levels 1-2 with Stephen Morallee, London. 
Dowsing mentoring with Carolyn Parker, San Francisco.
EFT mentoring with Carolyn Parker, San Francisco
- 11 years as an interior designer, running my own London-based studio, overseeing the completion of over 500 projects around the world, from Houston to Shanghai, Houston to Dubai, for clients such as Vivienne Westwood, Marc Jacobs, L'Oreal and more.  
