The mysterious power of external criticism (happy holidays)
Yes.. the energies are particularly strong these days.
There is A LOT going on and the holidays can potentially add a extra layer of tension to the mix...
After an EPIC Solstice experience at Stonehenge yesterday, I felt called to share a podcast episode supporting the continuous journey to our highest potential during this period.
The mysterious power of external criticism.
The past few months have been exciting for many of us.
I have witnessed many people awaken their higher purpose, invoking their authentic essence, and harnessing the power of their unique gifts.
The importance of this rich, inward exploration becomes apparent.
Unlocking our hidden powers, and awakening and sharing our greatest gift affects every part of our life.
It magnetizes love, abundance, helps heal family relationships, and even profoundly impacts health.
Then the holidays happen...
We find ourselves surrounded by family and friends and the reality of potential tensions.
Today’s 35 min episode explores how we can use this potential holiday “jaggedness” as a way of deepening and strengthening this exploration.
Three elements come into play:
1- Our essential gift
As we unlock and embody our inner essence, we begin to find a sense of wholeness, which is incredibly transformative and magnetic.
2- Our codependent relationships
The process of unlocking our true nature often involves bringing forth something unique and different from the cultural status quo. This can bring up fears, anxieties as well as many unresolved shadows as we need to make a decision of whether we choose to stay within the safety of the parameters of our tribe or take the plunge into the riskier waters of our unique essence.
3- External criticism
As we choose to share more and more of ourselves with others, we expose ourselves to potentially harsh criticism from those we love.
We can either choose to avoid this at all costs, or decide to take it on as part of our exploration, eventually allowing our embodiment of this essence to reach even deeper levels.
The premise of this work:
Criticism received from others can be an invitation to explore what we honestly think about ourselves.
I have personally found it most beneficial to take these criticisms as arrows pointing to the parts of our inner landscape, which may be unresolved.
The more hurtful the criticism, the bigger the arrow.
This podcast goes into this topic at greater length, followed, as usual, by a 15 min dive using awareness, energy, sound, and breath.
As the dives allow us unrestricted and unlimited access to our infinite intelligence, they become the antidote to our codependent relationships. They provide us a potent force of pleasure so rich and intense that any benefit we think we get from our co-dependency patterns will pale by comparison.
As the chords come undone, we can loosen our grip and become who we were really meant to be.
You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the player above.
Let me know about your explorations or any feedback and experiences by emailing me on
To take this work a step further, check out my website for workshops, retreats and online programmers on
For thousands of years, the Mystery Schools have supported the most influential civilisations in shaping the course of mankind, by enabling individuals to reach their highest potential. They gathered students, initiates and teachers to share knowledge which unlocked a higher connection to the cosmos and deeper levels of intelligence.
Yet the real mystery school lies within each of us: a potent field of intelligence which, when awakened, helps our being increase its ability to respond to its current content, deeply enhancing of our every day experience.
These teachings have been inherited as modern day explorations allowing us to live richer, fuller and more purposeful lives.
Every new and full moon, this podcast supports listeners in integrating the mystery school learnings in their every day lives.
For more content like this, visit my website
Since first beginning my journey with the mystery school teachings 8 years ago, I have had full certainty of its ability to support mankind in reaching its highest potential.
As a shaman, my role is to mentor individuals and groups who wish to embody their highest level of spiritual “beingness,” experience massive transformation, and profoundly impact the lives of others.
These podcasts represent the tip of the iceberg of what is available.
Mentoring is how we go all the way.
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