Marc Péridis

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Light language is a potent tool for healing and transformation. It has been spoken and channeled by various civilizations for thousands of years. It is the language of the Universe, of God, of the divine realm of knowledge, of our source, our origin, and our highest self. Light language can be channeled and downloaded to assist us in moving through a particular inquiry. The one which is alive for me today is GRUMPINESS. After a few days of being shaken and rattled by the powerful full moon energy, I felt a need to dive into my feelings of intense grumpiness which were very much alive this morning. I decided to bring this through as an energetic process as well as a light language transmission which can be used by anyone who wishes to explore this sacred art, or address grumpiness of their own.

This recording introduces the following points:
What is light language?
Can it be learned?
how does it come through?
I also share my own experience with unlocking light language.
I then guide us through an energetic process along with sound work, breathwork and a light language transmission.