My interest in spirituality began at a young age, As a child, I would recurrently experience out-of-body experiences, an ability which I ignored, only to cultivate it much later

Despite studying anything but interior design, I ended up starting as a junior in a studio in 2006 before launching my own practise in 2007, Montage Interior Design based in London's Soho.

Over a period of 9 years, the studio completed over 500 projects from Houston to Shanghai, Dubai to Sao Paulo for clients such as Marc Jacobs, L'Oreal, Vivienne Westwood and more.

I began to understand energy work in 2010 when, following a difficult break up, I started working with my good friend and teacher Stephen Morallee, exploring his work Deetell. Deetell is a practise of sound and movement born from spontaneity and stillness which allows us to access our deepest intelligence and creativity.
Stephen also works as a multimedia artist, having recently launched www.3aspectphotography.com , a photography course for spiritual types. Here is an image he shot whilst practising Deetell in 2008.

2012 was a year of a massive shift in consciousness for our collective community. For me, this manifested in creating 19 greek street, a gallery for sustainable design in London's Soho which was dedicated to leaving this world "a better place than I found it" (the gallery's official mantra).

In 2014, working with Shaman and healer Honi Borden unlocked a path of transformation for me. Our very deep-level explorations allowed me to to reach new depths and marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

Shortly after this work with Honi, I had a life-changing experience wilst visiting a temple in Bangkock.
After meditating in the temple of Wat Arun, I heard a voice telling me to go meditate in my hotel: what followed was nothing short of extraordinary. I began moving spontaneously and uncontrollably, chanting in languages I had never heard before which I didn't understand.
It took me some time and some explorations to understand what had taken place.
I began to understand the power of temples, and their ability to hold a space of higher consciousness growth and deeper intelligence for us.

This experience led me, intuitively, to a meditation retreat in Nepal.
Opening this space of stillness and silence for 10 days allowed some important information and insight to land: my life needed to change drastically.
I made the decision to leave my busy London life, converted to Buddhism and made the decision to dedicate myself to a more spiritual and altruistic path.

Despite leaving London, I kept the gallery, 19 greek street, maintaining it first as a source of income but also as a space which would continue to host inspiring events of a spiritual nature.
Here I am with Sister Dadi Jayanti, one of the many spiritual figures to hold an event in the space.

Following another powerful ceremony with Shaman Honi Borden, I received a call to go to Mongolia to work on a couple of sustainable and evolutionary design projects.
Unexpected twists and turns arose on this unforgettable journey as traveling to the land where shamanism originated was a catalyst for me to be initiated as a shaman mysel

One of the most unforgettable moments of my life: when I was asked to participate in a fashion show for a clothing brand made of yak fur in front of hundreds of yak herders 15 hours away from Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia.

From Mongolia came a call to Brazil.
A series of very odd circumstances led me to an unforgettable road trip with two other shamans and my first experience participating in creating light-portals on Earth.
This was the official beginning of my work of bridging together the worlds of Heaven and Earth which then led to the work I do today.

It was in Brazil that I first realised my fascination for crystals and sacred stones, recognising their role in helping us bring light and developing the vibratory frequency of our planet.

On my return from Brazil, I was recommended the work of Arizona-based shaman Kenneth Ray Stubbs. I completed the full 20 levels of his training in record time which have served as the basis for developing my own practise which I now teach and pass on to other students and clients.

It was while working with Kenneth Ray stubbs that I first realised I could bring this newly developed energetic knowledge and capabilities to my work as an interior designer and create my practise which is today known as "The Sacred Art of Transformative Spaces".
In 2016 I also engaged in the "House Whisperer Academy" training of Christian Kiriacou in the UK, allowing me to reach a higher level of knowledge in the art of creating sacred spaces.
In this picture taken in 2015, Kazusiha Sadogawa, Editor-in-chief of a Japanese design publication commented whilst visiting my london exhibition " A moment in your space brings me back to myself". This would officially be the first time I "Interior Designed" a sacred space. Albeit unknowingly...

It was while working with Kenneth Ray stubbs that I first realised I could bring this newly developed energetic knowledge and capabilities to my work as an interior designer and create my practise which is today known as "The Sacred Art of Transformative Spaces".
In 2016 I also engaged in the "House Whisperer Academy" training of Christian Kiriacou in the UK, allowing me to reach a higher level of knowledge in the art of creating sacred spaces.
In this picture taken in 2015, Kazusiha Sadogawa, Editor-in-chief of a Japanese design publication commented whilst visiting my london exhibition " A moment in your space brings me back to myself". This would officially be the first time I "Interior Designed" a sacred space. Albeit unknowingly...

The first Earth Oneness ceremony was held on the Island of Gavdos Greece in June 2016.

One of the most powerful Earth Oneness Ceremonies was held amidst the powerful vortexes of Sedona. In a most interesting twist, a letter was found just as we were beginning our ceremony, from a woman who had just been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and who was asking for support during these difficult times.

A moment of spontaneous oneness in the lead-up to the Earth Oneness Ceremony in Oaxaca Mexico. A massive group hug on the streets of this colourful city.

Taking a break after a powerful ceremony at the ancient archaeological site of Monte-Alban, an Aztec site outside Oaxaca, Mexico.

It was through the work of the Earth Energy Project that I first connected to the power of Oneness and began to make this concept the center of my work.
Whether accessing it through temples or through the development of our own multi-dimensional capabilities, oneness is the place where our earthly being can meet our deepest intelligence, receiving the information it needs to lead a better live every day.

The final step of the Earth Energy Project was ceremony following an 8 day climb of mount Kilimanjaro, the highest free-standing mountain in the world and the highest point in Africa.